

I am a Senior Researcher at Idiap Research Institute, where I lead the Audio Inference Group. We work generally in artificial intelligence and particularly in speech processing on the conjunction of recognition and synthesis. In each case, we try to focus on physiologically plausible and statistically rigorous systems. Here is a short bio.

Paper trail

  • My reviewed publications. These are also indexed by Google Scholar and by ORCID.

  • A (possibly incomplete) list of my patents. They are mainly US, but in practice most of these began life as either GB or Japan patents; the US ones are just easier to reference.

  • Other technical reports that are not commercial in confidence or published elsewhere. The list includes some MPEG submissions that made it into MPEG-7.


I’m on the Editorial Board for Speech Communication. Until the spring of 2024 I was a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters.


Most work is on my GitHub page.

  • I spent some time trying to find a sustainable way of maintaining software for the group. BuSLR was a failed attempt, but does contain some useful conda recipes. Also promising was homebrew, for which I made a tap. Finally Ewan came along with a solution based on modules and spack.
  • SSP is a signal processing library in python. It contains, amongst other things, a feature extractor and continuous pitch estimator. libssp duplicates some functionality in a C++ library.
  • ISS is/was a framework for building and evaluating ASR and TTS models. Based around HTS it’s quite old.
  • I wrote and (infrequently) maintain Tracter, a data-flow framework that formed the feature acquisition mechanism of Juicer. Tracter wraps several other packages, including libssp.

Software ages; Juicer and ISS were effectively replaced by Kaldi. In my team we tend to use pytorch-based toolkits now.


Between May 2019 and July 2023, Ina Kodrasi and I taught the course “Fundamentals of Statistics for AI” for UniDistance. The course was originally designed with David Ginsbourger.

Via the LIDIAP lab I hold a lecturer position at EPFL. A while ago now I taught a course on Speech Signal Processing.


Look at the username above and add @idiap.ch. It’ll probably get here. Otherwise try the Idiap contact page.


I’m on LinkedIn, but have a more on/off relationship with facebook and the like. Some are below; finding any others is left as an exercise for the user.